We have seen huge price increases lately in our every day lives, some we have to accept and pay and others we can do something about, cosmetics and beauty products are something we can cut right back on our spending but still enjoy great products at great prices. The way we can achieve this is by making our own using amazing, natural ingredients and good recipes.
In the next few Aroma Natural Blogs I will be giving you free recipes, amazing ingredients and telling you where these ingredients can be brought. Over the years I have found and used some great suppliers and am happy to pass on this information to you.
The first recipe is a lovely, rich hair conditioner to use after your shampoo. The secret to making a great hair conditioner is to choose oils which are suited to your hair type. These oils should get to work on your hair as soon as your conditioner is applied and then be easily rinsed so as not to leave your hair feeling oily or sticky. You will find your comb will glide easily through your non tangled hair.
Stage 1
5% Argan Oil
8% Tomato Seed Oil
4% Avocado Oil
1% Cetearyl Alcohol
4% BTMS25 Emulsifyer
Stage 2
74% Bottled Spring Water
Stage 3
2% Vitamin E
1% Preservative
1% Essential Oils
To Make
Place ingredients in Stage 1 into a double saucepan or Bain Marie and melt to 75C or above.
Heat the water in Stage 2 until the temperature reaches 75C or above.
Gradually, using a stick blender, pour very slowly and drizzle the ingredients from Stage 1 into the water in Stage 2. Continue to blend for a while making sure all your ingredients are well blended together.
Allow to cool to 40C then add your Stage 3 preservative, Vitamin E and choosen essential oils.
Pour into a clean bottle and label.
To Use
Wash hair as usual, rinse well and apply your conditioner to your wet hair, massage completely through your hair. Leave for a couple of minutes then rinse well.
Suppliers I recommend are :
x Diane