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Shampoo Bars for Dogs and Humans

One to One Workshop

  • 5 hours
  • 95 British pounds
  • Moorgate Road

Service Description

Learn how to make your own shampoo bars on a One to One basis. This workshop is completely different to the cold press soap making workshop, however, you will learn how to make a shampoo bar which is ideal for humans and dogs (even horses). These shampoo bars will have a Ph level of 5 to 7 whereas cold press and hot press soap has a Ph level of 10-11. The workshop will be in very small groups of 3 so I can give each individual as much attention as needed. In this workshop you will learn the following What is a syndet bar How 'natural' they are or can be Why does the Ph level matter so much Is there a downside to syndet bars Learn about all the different ingredients Equipment Recipes How to make syndet bars How to use syndet bars How to keep syndet bars Essential Oils Special ingredients Moulds You will make 5 x 100g shampoo bars to take home with you The workshops will be held in my house in North Norfolk which is an area of outstanding natural beauty. I will provide everything you need to make the shampoo bars for yourself or your dog. A booklet will be given to you to take home so you can continue to make your own if you so wish. Coffee/Tea will be provided during the day. Please bring a packed lunch with you. I am situated in the middle of a working farm so please park in my front garden away from any farm vehicles. If you need any further information please get in touch by using the contact form. You can book onto the workshop by clicking on the link which will also take you to the payment section. I look forward to meeting you all.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please contact me.

Contact Details

  • Aroma Natural, Moorgate Road, Fakenham, UK

    + 01328878174

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